Windy Hill Water

Northeast Colorado’s Largest Non-Tributary Water Resource


Adjudicated Non-Tributary water resource


Brine processing for strategic metals


Utility-scale clean fuel storage

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Located at Eastern Colorado’s Energy Hub

Windy Hill is located on 1280 acres of private lands in Morgan Country. Colorado, 4 miles southwest of Bush. CO, 1-mile east of state HWY 71, and. 2-miles south of US HWY 34. It is in close proximity to the Cheyenne Plains, CIG, and PSCO natural gas pipelines, the Manchief, Brush Cogeneration, and Pawnee power plants, and the Story, Beaver Creek, and Pawnee Electrical Transmission Substations to which over 15,000 MW of renewable power are delivered. 

Colorado's Largest, Adjudicated Non-Tributary Water Resource

World Class Water Reserves

Windy Hill's non-tributary water reserve is in excess of 16.8 billion gallons (equivalent to 51,559-acre feet).

Permitted Water Extraction

Permitted to withdraw 2,422 acre-feet of water per year for industrial use. Scalable to more than 9,700 acre-feet per year.

Permissable Uses

Unprocessed water is of industrial use quality and with minor processing can meet standards for surface discharge for augmentation, or agricultural use.

Supply Well Complete And Operational

In February 2022 Windy Hill completed its 3-18 WSW Deep Groundwater well for the purposes of verifying producibility and water quality.


Impermeable Bedded Salt Suitable For Solution Mined Caverns

Windy Hill is a former Unocal Midstream-operated development project to solution mine salt caverns for gas storage. Beginning with Unocal in 2004, approximately $60,000,000 has been invested in technical studies, 3D seismic data, land acquisition, roads and power infrastructure, and the drilling and casing of four (4) wells.

Previously Permitted for Natural Gas Storage

Potential for Green Hydrogen and Compressed Air Storage

Brine Processing for Strategic Metals Recovery


Brine Soluble

Metals in solution and lifted to surface.


Low Volume/High value

Strategic metals used in renewable energy, advanced electronics, and aerospace applications.



Recovered metals are non-hazardous and process does not create rock waste or tailings, and there are no air emissions.

Enhance Renewable Energy Reliability

Provide clean fuel and energy storage to support the use of utility-scale dispatchable gas turbines to optimize wind and solar power generation assets and ensure grid reliability.

Natural Gas

Provide reliability of supply

Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)

Shift off-peak generation capacity to meet peak demand

Hydrogen Resources

Storage enables the fuel of the future